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The brake hose assembly is one of the key safety components in a vehicle’s braking system. In this article, we will discuss in depth how to select and maintain the brake hose assembly to ensure the reliability and safety of the vehicle braking system.

Basic introduction of brake hose assembly

Brake hose assembly is the pipe connecting between master cylinder and brake, responsible for transmitting brake fluid pressure. It plays a key role in the braking system and directly affects braking efficiency and driving safety.

6 factors to consider when choosing a brake hose assembly

Brake fluid type: The brake hose should match the type of brake fluid used.
Material selection: Quality brake hoses are usually made of rubber or high pressure resistant rubber reinforced materials. Ensure that the material selected has good resistance to oil, abrasion and corrosion.
Size and Fit: Ensure that the selected brake hose assembly is sized to match the vehicle’s braking system requirements and connects correctly to the master cylinder and brakes.
Operating Temperature: Take note of the operating temperature range of the brake hose assembly to ensure proper operation in all climatic conditions.
Pressure: Brake hoses should be able to withstand the operating pressure of the braking system.
Durability: Brake hoses should have good durability and be able to meet the service life requirements of the vehicle.

Brake Hose Assembly
Brake Hose Assembly

Specific methods of brake hose assembly maintenance

1. Check the brake hose for cracks, bulging or deformation.
Brake hoses may be affected by various factors during use, such as high temperature, high pressure, vibration, etc., which may lead to damages such as cracks, bulges or deformation of brake hoses. If you find any damage to the brake hose, replace it promptly.

2.Check the metal joints for looseness or damage.
The metal connector is the component that connects the brake hose to the brake line. If the metal connector is loose or damaged, it will lead to brake fluid leakage and affect the normal operation of the braking system. Therefore, the metal joints should be checked regularly for looseness or damage, and if problems are found, they should be tightened or replaced in time.

3.Check the rubber washer for damage.
The rubber washer is the sealing component between the metal connector and the brake line, if the rubber washer is damaged, it will lead to brake fluid leakage and affect the normal operation of the brake system. Therefore, the rubber washer should be checked regularly for damage and replaced if found.

4.Cleaning and maintenance
Clean the surface of the brake hose regularly to prevent dust and dirt from accumulating. Especially in poor driving conditions, it is necessary to strengthen the cleaning work.

5.Pay attention to the quality of brake fluid
Check the quality of brake fluid regularly to ensure that the brake hose assembly is in a good working environment.


In conclusion, brake hose assembly is an important part of the automobile braking system and should be inspected and maintained regularly to ensure its normal operation.