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Air brake system is the most important part in a car or a truck. Because it concerns if you can stop the car and avoid the accident. While the air brake hose is the key part in the whole brake system. We can even say it’s the security assurance of your driving. Thus you should pay more attention to your brake hose to keep safe. Then there comes the question.

How often should we to replace the brake hose?

In fact, you should inspect your hose regularly before replacing a new one. Because there is no specific mileage or time interval for every vehicle. Thus you can check your brake hose every year to keep a good situation. Besides, you should check it when other parts need to replace. For example, the brake plate and brake drum.

The lifespan of brake hose varies based on factors such as driving condition, climate, and daily care. However, a general guideline is to replace brake hoses every 4-6 years. Even if there are no visible signs of damage. Over time, brake hose can deteriorate internally due to exposure to brake fluid. External factors such as heat and moisture can also lead to weak or failure.

It’s to note that if you find any damage or wear such as crack and leak, replace it at once. Because it may cause serious accident if you continue use it.

From above we can see how important the brake hose is. While that means the quality of rubber air brake hose matters. Orientflex is a reliable supplier which can be your trusted brake hose supplier. Contact us now and learn more.