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Each product has a usage specification, and rubber hose is no exception. Using the hose correctly according to the specifications can not only reduce the chance of problems with the hose, but also prolong its service life. So do you know what are the specifications for the use of rubber tubes? So let’s find out together!


3 types of usage specifications for auto rubber hose?

First of all, for the material problem.
The rubber of each material is suitable for transporting materials, such as nitrile rubber hoses are suitable for transporting oily materials, and silicone rubber can transport those high-temperature liquids and gases. However, if it is used wrongly, it will cause damage to the structure of the inner rubber layer of the rubber hose, and the service life will be shortened at the same time, which will cause major problems in the rubber hose in the long run.
Then there is the issue of delivery pressure.
Rubber hoses can be divided into low pressure hoses, medium pressure hoses and high pressure hoses according to the maximum pressure they can withstand. When purchasing, be sure to measure the pressure in the actual work carefully, and choose the hose with the appropriate pressure. If the maximum pressure of the selected rubber hose is not enough, it will cause damage to the rubber hose itself; if it is too large, although it will not cause damage to the structure of the rubber hose, its price is very expensive, and it may reduce the boring delivery pressure. , may affect the normal operation of the equipment.
Next is the installation of the hose.
The hose is generally kept in a relaxed state during use, which is not only conducive to adapting to the environment, but also reduces the pressure it bears. Therefore, although the rubber tube can be bent, it cannot exceed its bending radius, otherwise the rubber tube will be broken and damaged, which is not conducive to the long-term use of the rubber tube.